Space gray the most popular iPhone 5s color

The space gray iPhone 5s appears to have been the most popular model in the United States in the first month after launch. The silver model was the second most popular, while gold was third. Though the iPhone 5s has been difficult to find for many, the silver and gold models have faced greater supply constraints than the space gray model, contributing to its popularity. This data comes from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners.
43 percent of iPhone 5s units sold were space gray, while 30 percent were silver and 27 percent were gold. Supplies of the space gray model were more readily available than the silver and gold iPhones, but consumers have demonstrated a preference for the black iPhone in the past.
CIRP also found that blue was the favorite iPhone 5c color, coming in at 27%, ahead of white (25%), green (21%), pink (20%), and yellow (7%). When breaking down color preference by gender, men preferred the space gray iPhone 5s to the silver or gold, while women preferred the silver model. Men generally chose the blue or white iPhone 5c, while the pink model did well amongst women.
It's highly probable that this data is somewhat skewed by that fact that many people would have purchased an iPhone 5s when they could rather than wait for their preferred color. A more accurate picture of consumer demand for these devices will undoubtedly emerge as supplies of these devices normalize.
What color iPhone 5s or 5c did you get? Was it the one you wanted? Let us know in the comments.

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